Categories: Health & Wellness

‘Color the Vote!’ campaign reaches out to communities of color

The Color the Vote campaign is sponsored by One Minnesota (, a collaborative network of ALANA (African, Latino, Asian and Native American) communities, leaders, and individuals who agree to “eliminate racial barriers to success in Minnesota.” The campaign slogan is “You Vote, We Win!”

“The margin of victory of the last three gubernatorial elections has been less than the collective voting strength of ALANA voters in Minnesota,” says Ezell Jones, a member of One Minnesota’s leadership team. “Our collective vote is critical in the upcoming election November 2.”

Through its network of businesses, community agencies and media partnerships statewide, the ALANA network hopes to reach over 800,000 ALANA community residents in Minnesota and 300,000 potential ALANA voters.

“With a $5.8 billion budget shortfall and critical policy issues to be discussed during the next legislative session, we need to have a voice at the table. Our campaign to mobilize our vote in November will be the voice representing over 800,000 Minnesota residents,” says Brett Buckner, Color the Vote’s campaign coordinator.

The campaign has been adopted by organizations such as the Minneapolis Economic Development Agency (MEDA), Madasha Media, a media outlet serving East African Communities, La Voz, the Minnesota Black Chamber of Commerce, Phyllis Wheatley Center, dozens of radio and media outlets statewide and more.

“This is truly a nonpartisan effort,” stresses Buckner. “We’re not endorsing nor are we supported by any candidate; our goal is to simply educate and mobilize voters in our communities.”

As part of its outreach, the campaign has issued multi-lingual messaging to ensure that it is effectively reaching its diverse base. Rigorous viral and grassroots promotional efforts have earned the campaign support and the attention of candidates.

The Color the Vote campaign will be increasing its outreach efforts in the weeks leading up to the election Tuesday, November 2.

For more information, call 612-424-2166 or go to, or Color the Vote on Facebook.
This article was provided by the Color the Vote campaign.

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