Rev. Irene Monroe

Rev. Irene Monroe is an African American lesbian feminist public theologian, sought-after speaker, and preacher.

How many women does it take to change a broken Congress?

Volume on xenophobia and racism on blast

Pres. Trump’s statement illustrates how perceptions of birthright, citizenship, ownership, and racial entitlement have upped the volume of xenophobia and...

That N-word, again

That N-word, again

I contend that you cannot conjugate the word, because it is firmly embedded in the lexicon of racist language that...

Desecrating Maya Angelou’s funeral

Revisiting Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglas is dead. Last year this time, however, President Donald J. Trump didn't appear to know that fact. In...

Pimping King

With 2018 being the 50th anniversary of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination, commemorations honoring the man were...

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Democratic Veepstakes

Who should presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Haris pick as vice president?

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